The Healing Room

At The Healing Room I create a safe space, free of judgement for my clients to to explore their pain.

I offer modalities and tools to work through these difficult emotions while also providing them with tools and knowledge to empower their healing journey outside of the office.

My goal is to help you create balance that is sustainable and a life that aligns with your highest and greatest good.



Life | Spiritual | Empowerment | Breakthrough

Coaching can be extremely powerful for those who are determined to see change and make shifts. During a coaching session we set an intention and discover the root causes to the negative cycles that keep you trapped. Whether you are just beginning your healing journey, or you simply want to elevate to the next level, the processes that we will do together in our coaching sessions can assist you. Because of my knowledge and experience, I intuitively incorporate coaching into all of the sessions that I offer, but full coaching sessions can be intense... in the best way possible! I have a personal testimony of coaching as it has been one of the things that has personally saved my life. You are not alone. Together we will work to sort through the patterns, faulty beliefs, and emotions that are wreaking havoc on your life. I am not the healer. I simply hold a safe space for you, and guide to find your own answers by going within. I will provide you will tools and skills to take what you’ve learned beyond the office so that you can implement them in your daily lives. Continued healing and sustainability is the goal. I want to help you through this journey as well as empower you to help yourself and others.

90 mins |  $120
Packages available!


Rapid Eye Technology (RET)


  • A science-based technique in which a certified technician uses eye movements and verbal cues to assist you in accessing and releasing trapped trauma in your subconscious, while your conscious mind directs your subconscious to process in a way that feels better to you. Making new choices from a more experienced mind.

  • For some, it can be a spiritual process of connecting to your higher self, the part of you that knows you were never broken, and in the process raising your vibrational frequency.

  • A technique that honors all belief systems, cultures and religions, with sessions tailored to fit you as an individual as well as compliment other healing modalities.

  • A set of "Life Skills" that show you how you can create your life in a way that works for you.

  • Choose from Single Situation Processing or a whole program which gives a well-rounded recovery of self, including ages, stages, layers and levels of who you really are.

  • An Emotional First Aid guide, offering DIY stress relief techniques and processes.

  • A place to find acceptance for who you are, to know that you are lovable and to learn to allow the love for yourself to grow.

  • A community of people dedicated to assisting others in creating joy through love and acceptance.

Locate, Delete, & Dissolve, trapped negative emotions and faulty core believes that are keeping you stuck or in pain or unhealthy patterns. Activate pathways for new positive feelings with Rapid Eye Technology. This powerful, safe modality, is combined with coaching and Life Skills for repatterning. Rapid Eye Technology simulates eye movements that you would naturally experience during REM sleep to process emotions. Often those who experience large amounts of stress and trauma are not processing information properly in their sleep. Rapid Eye Technology assists with this while you are awake by guiding you into a theta state and directing your eyes with an eye directing device.


We know what makes up You is more than your pain, past traumas, or your experiences. Let us help you remove those barriers from your mind so you can move on with your life and start living to your full potential.

Rapid Eye is unique in that it is not a therapy, but rather a technology used in a session by a certified Rapid Eye Technician.  This simple technique is effective and safe, without requiring that the client re-visit the past trauma.  Technicians do not diagnose or treat disorders, or give advice. Rapid Eye is designed for the purpose of relieving emotional stress not re-living it.  Stress can manifest in a variety of ways, many of which Rapid Eye is shown to have profound positive results with.

90 mins |  $120
Packages available!

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy Session in The Sound Lounge

The Sound Lounge instantly soothes your busy mind and relaxes your entire body using sound frequencies. Four tactile transducers, two amplifiers, Sennheiser HD noise reduction headphones, and concert quality cables are used to deliver powerful sound to your ears and body, making you feel amazing!

Frequency sound therapy can help reduce stress pain and anxiety by calming the nervous system. I can help lower blood pressure, shorten healing periods, increase circulation, sleep quality. It provides deeper more effortless meditation and stillness elevating mood, and enhancing focus, giving you a mental reset.

Sound Frequencies You Can Hear & Feel

You will feel the same frequencies your brain hears. Four wired transducers work together to transform your body into a speaker and their frequencies synchronize with the headphones’ to create an immersive 3-dimensional audio experience.

The Sound Lounge wave-like design and soft foam top contours to your body, putting you in a comfortable neutral posture position. Your joints and muscles are unloaded, leaving you feeling weightless, secure, and peaceful.

30 mins | $35
Packages Available


IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback
Optimal Brain Center of Idaho -Burley

What is MCN?
Through low intensity pulses using transcranial electrical stimulation MCN stimulates the brain. What we are doing is essentially bathing
the brain in energy allowing it to detox. This creates an optimal healing environment.

Emotional and physical traumas can create a sympathetic “freeze” in a dysfunctional homeostasis that leads to dysregulation.

IASIS MCN causes brief micro-stimulation to the brain that results in a temporary fluctuation in brainwaves. This temporary change allows the brain to reorganize itself. Thus IASIS does not train the brain like traditional neurofeedback, but instead “disentrains” the brain by allowing it to reorganize itself and release itself from frozen, stuck patterns.
This is analogous to re-booting a frozen computer.

Conditions that can be helped with MCN:
ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Anxiety, Autism, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Concussion, Dementia, Depression, Eating Disorders, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Insomnia, Learning Disorders, Lyme disease, Memory Disorder, Migraines, OCD, Parkinson's Disease, PTSD, Raynaud's Disease, Stroke, TBI, Academic Performance, Athletic Performance and more!

Learn More- Click Here!

Approx. 30 minutes
$150 per session | Ask about our packages for special rates!
50% Off for Military Customers


Sound Healing

Intuitive Sound healing sessions are a beautiful, gentle way of using vibration and frequency to release trapped emotions and getting your energy systems back into balance. During this session we will use the frequencies of the tuning forks to comb through your biofield to break up energy that is stuck. This allows you to receive answers and guidance from within that were not previously accessible due to the energetic blockages. Sound therapy helps balance the chakras and improve the flow of energy in the body, resulting in less stress, and more energy to make life changes. Often during session I will incorporate quartz crystal or Tibetan singing bowls, as well as hand made native rawhide drums. Drumming is a powerful way to shift you from your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) to your parasympathetic nervous system (peace & calm) and get you into a healing and grounded state. We begin this session with a short coaching / discovery session to set and intention and identify what needs to be released.

90 mins |  $120
Packages available!



Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words. Rei means a higher intelligence that guides the functioning of the universe or "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power," and Ki is the nonphysical energy that flows through anything living (plants, animals, humans) known as "life force energy.” Together, these two words stand for “spiritually guided life-force energy.”

Life force energy flows through the energy system made up of “energy bodies” which encompass the physical body and help in processing emotions and thoughts. The energy bodies have energy centers called chakras, which work somewhat like valves that allow life force to circulate through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies

Reiki is administered by using a series of different hand positions, palms down above your body. This modality is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy," “God/Divine energy” or Qi flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. Reiki can assist with improving a person’s spiritual wellbeing, along with physical, mental and emotional conditions.

The goal of Reiki is to quiet the mind and calm the nervous system allowing you to become still and present in your body so you can release and process trapped emotions to create new positive experiences. Reiki is often used in conjunction with music, aromatherapy, sound therapy, deep breathing and integrative body learning.

  90 mins | $120
Packages available!



Guided Imagery Release +Sound

This session is great for beginners, or even great for a tune up for those who are already on their journey. Through guided imagery I will walk you through a beautiful, gentle, meditation to work through negative emotions, beliefs or even forgiveness. At the end we will finish with a sound clearing and grounding process with your choice of drums or singing bowls.

40 mins | $55
Packages available!


Align, Shield & Ground + Sound

This session is great for beginners or it is wonderful in between full coaching sessions to do a quick tune up & release and get you back into alignment.

During this session I will teach you how to get into Divine Vertical Alignment, shield yourself from negativity, and program your shield to work for your highest and greatest good. This will be a practice that you will want to do on your own daily after your initial session with me. Your first session includes a laminated process guide for your at home practice.

30 mins | $45
Packages available!
+ A drumming release or a chakra balance sound bath to the end of your session for $15


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.