Meet Abrey, your local
IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback
Technician and Provisional Provider

Hi! I am Abrey Adams-Watterson. I am a licensed & certified Rapid Eye Technician (RET), and IASIS (MCN) Microcurrent Neurofeedback Technician and Provisional Provider. I am also a certified Master Reiki and Sound Healing Practitioner, Skills For Life Facilitator, 3X certified Professional Life Coach as well as a Spiritual Breakthrough Coach. I help others to identify faulty core beliefs, destructive patterns and trapped emotions so that these things can be healed, released and transformed.

Through my passion, learning and dedication, at The Healing Room & Optimal Brain Center Burley I offer hope, inspiration, and an opportunity for you to choose healing. This is a safe space for you to let go of what is no longerserving you and repattern your life for success, healing and sustainable change.

I offer a variety of safe, non-invasive yet powerful tools, processes and technology to assist you in stepping into and reclaiming your wholeness.

I have been in business as a Professional Photographer in Southern Idaho for 16 years. 7 years ago I found my mental and physical health declining. Suffering for many years from depression, anxiety and insomnia. I knew something needed to change. Fearful of the side effects of medications and traditional treatments, I began my journey with alternative healing. Through this experience I have cultivated my knowledge, discovered my intuitive gifts and am now helping others on their journey.

I have learned how trapped trauma and emotions can create a physical disruption in the body that can lead to disease. I have experienced powerful shifts and improvements from doing my own inner emotional cleanup. By doing so I have been able to create more harmony and balance in my life. I have studied my own healing journey intensively and recognize the profound impact that healing has had on my life as well as the lives of my clients and collogues.

At The Healing Room I create a safe space, free of judgement for my clients to to explore their pain. I offer my clients various modalities to work through these difficult emotions while also providing them with tools and knowledge to empower their healing journey outside of the office.

My goal is to help you create balance that is sustainable and a life that aligns with your highest and greatest good. I utilize many safe and effective modalities, such as Coaching, Rapid Eye Technology, Micro Current Neurofeedback, Frequency and Sound to assist others in emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual growth and breakthroughs. Teamed up with my clients I assist them in reclaiming their own personal power to create a life that promotes alignment, growth, elevation, connection and wholeness.

We opened Optimal Brain Center Burley in January 2022 and have seen phenomenal results, myself and my husband included. I am passionate about helping others find safe, non-invasive options to elevate their mental and emotional wellness. IASIS MCN has been a wonderful treatment for us and our clients in just a matter of months. I am excited to bring MCN to the Mini-Cassia area!

Abrey Adams-Watterson

Mini-Cassia IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback Technician & Provisional Provider

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